Stay Ready

I was going to write this week on embracing your inner monster, but then life leads me to let you guys know that you have to stay ready. Yesterday when I was on the way to get gas from the gas station, one of my friends asked me where I was going, because whenever I leave the house, I look like I am about to go out. I told him, “ I stay ready, so I don’t have to get ready” then it dawned on me that this is a necessity in all facets of life. While drip is terrific and looking your best is essential, think about the careers that require attentiveness at all times.

Over the past couple of months, I have had numerous conversations with men and women currently active in the armed forces, in the United States secret service, and police officers. One thing was always in common within all of those conversations. Those men and women who hold some of the most critical jobs in protecting our safety and peace of mind are scared of the same thing. That thing is being ill-prepared if something were to happen. I asked myself why that was, and then it clicked. If you are doing a profession that is life and death, you could worry yourself every single day and every night that something terrible is going to happen. If you take that approach, you will be worrying more than you would ever be living, so the alternative is what the majority in those careers chose to do. Train so much that makes being caught off guard a nonstarter. That way, you are prepared for what the job has in store. They know there may always be something that catches them off guard, but if that were to occur, they would never let that happen again.

I am writing all of this because you should look at every day of your life like it is that serious. That is where staying ready comes in. You cannot remain prepared if you are not prepared for what is to come. With that being the case, you must put the work in upfront to be ready when the time comes. Think about when you were in class, and the professor came in and said, “everything off of your desk, we are taking a pop quiz on the reading I assigned.” There are two types of people in the room who read the assignment last night and those who did not. The ones that read the assignment stayed ready, they know the material, and they are prepared for the pop quiz because it did not catch them off guard. The ones that did not read the assignment are now in a position that has them stressing and more.

Life is all a big game, and you are either winning or losing. With that being the reality, why would you not put yourself in the best position to win. This is one of the most straightforward concepts I will ever tell you guys about because it is the foundation of almost everything I believe in. You can only control what you can control. You can not control how people will react to your success. The only thing that you can control is your success. Whether you are working for someone else or working for yourself, you have to stay ready. How can you get a promotion without grinding for it? How can you make your companies first million without being prepared for what it takes? I say win now and win often, but staying ready is 100% about winning now. Every day is the only day that you have promised, so you have to wait prepared for every opportunity that presents itself. There is no secret sauce. There is just hard work, so stay ready and Win Now so that you can Win Often.

This weeks Track is 100 . mil’ by J. Cole & Bas

Next week I will be writing about Committing to the Bag. #LevelUp #WinNow #WinOften


Commit to the Bag


Love Yourself First