Love Yourself First

Love is a word used in a number of ways — an intense feeling, a great interest, to feel deep affection. There are so many ways to use the word love, and only you can answer what love means to you. With that being said, when I say love yourself, I am simply saying put your well-being in front of everyone else, BE SELFISH. Being selfish is genuinely the only way that you will ever be able to be selfless. So many people will look out for others well being and will completely let their own emotions and feelings go to the wayside. I want you to close your eyes and think about where you want to be in 10 years. Do you want to be a business owner? Do you want to have a family? Do you want to be financially free? Only you know what you are imagining, but I can tell you that to get where you want to be that only you can get yourself there. If your friends or family were going to get you to your dreams, you would already be there. I did not write this blog post to get you motivated. I simply wrote this to give you a strategy to get to your why. To love yourself, you must know what your why is.

But let us start with the beginning. You have got to stop lying to yourself. How many times have you told yourself that you would start working out tomorrow and tomorrow comes, and it never happens. How many times have you said to yourself that you are prepared for a meeting or a presentation, and you knew that you were lying to yourself. The reality of the situation is that people will lie to you every day. Why would you be the first person in line to lie to you?

To love yourself, you have to tell yourself the harsh realities. You have to be willing to pay the price to get where you deserve to go. Ask yourself how far you are willing to go to get to your final destination. Are you ready to lose sleep for your dreams? Ask yourself, could you be placed in uncomfortable situations with no guarantee of success? Are you willing to put work in for free? I want you to take an honest look in the mirror and ask yourself, am I even ready to read a book to better myself. The average American has read four books over the past 12 months. Are you even reading that much? Warren Buffett reads 5 to 6 hours a day, Bill Gates reads 50 books a year, Mark Zuckerberg aims to read a book every two weeks. If you want to reach a great height, do as the greats before you have done if billionaires read, you must read. Your goal is to be financially free. Don’t you think you should take the time to invest in yourself and read? Loving yourself comes in all different facets, reading being just one of them. The food you consume and the friends you surround yourself with all significantly impact what type of person you become. You would not put basic unleaded gasoline in a Ferrari. With that being the case, love yourself and treat your body as you would a Ferrari. I will end this by simply saying this the only way you will ever be able to help others is to help yourself first, and if that is the case, then you must be willing to love yourself first.

This weeks track is Interlude by J Cole, just because I like the song lol.

Next week I will be writing about Committing to the Bag. #LevelUp #WinNow #WinOften


Stay Ready


Be A Lone Wolf