Be A Lone Wolf

Wolves travel in packs. They travel in packs because it helps them bring down stronger and larger animals. Wolves, like people, are highly social animals. Like many people, many wolves will stay with their packs because they are comfortable and know their place in the pack. You see humans behave the same way. Everyone knows someone who has never left the town they are born in.  We all know people who grow up in a city go to the same school their parents went to for high school. Then they go to the same college that their parents went to. After college, they take up the same profession as their parents in the same town, and the cycle continues infinitely. There is nothing wrong with this path. You can be happy following this path, and you can do well. But if you are reading this blog, I don’t think you are ok with just doing well. I think you are trying to Win Now and Win Often. You are trying to be financially free. You want to create generational wealth and be the person who changes the trajectory that your family is on; to do that, you will have to become the lone wolf. What is often confused is that a lone wolf likes to be alone. That is the furthest thing from the truth.

The last thing the wolf wants to do is stay alone because the wolf knows that it is a lonely life and that they are more potent in a pack. Adult wolves leave the group because they want to find a mate of their own and form their own family. Most people can relate to this, people want to find a special someone they want to be loved, and they want to create a family outside of just their parents. However, the lone wolf is essential to the species because they bring new genes to the new family groups keeping wolves healthy. These wolves push the envelope and sometimes travel hundreds of miles to find new occupying territory. A lone wolf decides that they should be alone for the moment to find a mate and find a new place to occupy and rule. That is the key to survival, not being complacent and wanting to populate new areas. Now you may be asking what does that have to do with me being a lone wolf Tra, now let me tell you.

I say be a lone wolf because I am letting you know that everyone you are around will not necessarily want to make the next journey. Everyone will not want to and cannot make the journey with you. I am giving you the permission to be on your own for a little bit, focus on you and your mission. I know that I am asking you to get outside of what is comfortable, but I want you to ask yourself where your pack has got you so far.  You want more out of life, and if your group, friends, family, significant other, and more does not have that same ambition, it is ok to work and take time to get where you want to be. A wolf will travel hundreds of miles by himself to do what he believes in, so if you are ready to better yourself the get to moving now. Go to that conference by yourself that your friends tell you won’t help. Buy the book that your friends say reading will not help you. Take some time and ask yourself what you want out of life.  Buy the course that you are interested in learning about. Only you can decide that you want to start your journey, and sometimes that requires you to be the Lone Wolf. When you figure out what you want, I want you to invest in yourself to Win Now and Win Often.

This weeks track will be Aim For The Moon by Pop Smoke

Next week I will be writing on Loving Yourself First. #LevelUp #WinNow #WinOften


Love Yourself First


Wake Up Before the Sun