How to Be Heard by a Millionaire?

Trajen Johnson

I often hear people say that they have a great idea. They claim that if only they could show it to someone all of their problems would subside and that it would make them rich and successful. People constantly say that all they need is an opportunity. Very few, however, are willing to do what it takes let alone know where to begin when it comes to making the initial introduction. The world is becoming competitive every day, so I hope that you receive the same benefit from this information as I have received because if you do it will give you a leg up on the completion.Before you will ever be able to be heard by a millionaire, you have to believe in yourself and what you are saying. If you do not get anything else out of this I want you to understand that you have to believe in yourself before anyone else will believe in you. That is something that everyone has heard but unless you truly believe in that statement then there is no way to get into the door and be heard. So let’s assume that you have put the time in, you have invested in yourself, purchases courses, and you are confident in your ability. What do you do now?Being heard by a millionaire is simple, if what you are saying adds value to their life, then they will be more than open to listening. Figure out what they need. Everyone has problems and if you figure out a solution to their problems you add value. Adding value will make you someone they will seek out. The biggest mistake that I see being made when it comes to talking to people is not creating a large enough umbrella. Your network is your net worth, so knowing as many people as possible will allow you to grow. That same technique needs to be used when trying to get the attention of a millionaire. If you are trying to get into a established field chances are there are hundreds or maybe even thousands of people who have already made millions of what you have done. I advise you to be heard to do everything in your power to reach out and contact each and everyone one of them. Be ready for a rejection or someone saying that they are not interested because at the end of the day all it takes is one person seeing something in you.The only thing I can teach you now is that you have to know what to say. When talking to friends you will tell them whatever you know they want to hear. That is exactly how you should talk to millionaires talk to them and let them know you have researched them. Your initial statement needs to be personalized to the person they are if they went to a certain college and they majored in something bring that up with them. If they play polo on the weekend bring that up. After that do not beat around the bush let them know what you want what it will cost and how you feel like it will help them. Using fluff does not help anything, let people know what you want that way they can make a decision. Everyone wants to change without giving something up, and when you are talking with someone you need to work with and you know can help you, do whatever you can to help them.


Wake Up Before the Sun